1. Quantum Algorithms Postdoctoral Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (LBNL) Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division has an opening in the Scalable Solvers Group for a Postdoc in the area of Applied Mathematics with an emphasis on Quantum Computing. In this exciting role, you will participate in research activities related to the development of mathematical tools for quantum subspace algorithms that are relevant to DOE and LBNL missions.
What You Will Do:
- Develop efficient and stable linear algebra algorithms for quantum subspace methods.
- Develop and optimize numerical linear algebra techniques for accelerating quantum computing on near-term quantum hardware.
- Develop high-performance software tools that can be integrated with quantum simulators and quantum hardware.
- Work in a multidisciplinary team environment including mathematicians, computer scientists, and domain scientists.
- Publish results in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
What is Required:
- Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, or a relevant field.
- Strong background in numerical linear algebra and multi-linear (tensor) algebra.
- Knowledge of matrix decompositions, iterative methods, approximation theory, and optimization.
- Demonstrated experience to program proficiently in a high-level programming language, such as C++/C/FORTRAN.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Additional Desired Qualifications:
- Knowledge of quantum computing and quantum information.
- Knowledge of performance optimization for scientific codes is a plus.
- Experience with MATLAB/Python/Qiskit and MPI/OpenMP/Cuda.
Application can be submitted at:
2. Quantum Algorithms Postdoctoral Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (LBNL) Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) have a joint opening for a Postdoc in the area of Applied Mathematics and HPC with an emphasis on Quantum Computing. In this exciting role, you will participate in research activities related to the development of scalable mathematical and software tools for quantum subspace algorithms that are relevant to DOE, LBNL and NERSC missions.
What You Will Do:
- Develop efficient and stable linear algebra algorithms for quantum subspace methods.
- Develop and optimize numerical linear algebra techniques for accelerating quantum computing on near-term quantum hardware.
- Develop and implement scalable quantum simulations to run on HPC systems such as Perlmutter.
- Collaborate on projects with quantum hardware vendors.
- Work in a multidisciplinary team environment including mathematicians, computer scientists, and domain scientists.
- Publish results in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
What is Required:
- Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, or a relevant field with a computationally-oriented research focus.
- Strong background in numerical linear algebra including matrix decompositions, iterative methods, approximation theory, and optimization.
- Experience in scientific computing, algorithm design and HPC with GPU and parallel/manycore computer architectures, threading, and vectorization.
- Knowledge of performance optimization for scientific codes in C++/C/FORTRAN and MPI/OpenMP/Cuda.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Additional Desired Qualifications:
- Knowledge of quantum computing and quantum information.
- Experience with quantum computing software stack.
Application can be submitted at: